
Consumer Products

Key Takeaways

  • Oil and natural gas provide the building blocks for products we rely upon daily.
  • Technologies such as smart phones and computers, along with household goods including plastics, rubbers and detergents are made from oil and gas.
  • Natural gas and oil help create medical devices like prosthetic equipment as well as common medicines.

Communication, transportation, food, education, entertainment, and more – energy makes our modern lives possible. Abundant domestic energy has helped reduce U.S. household energy expenditures 25% between 2008 and 2020, even while costs for food, education, and healthcare have increased between 22% and 75%.

Oil and natural gas are the building blocks for millions of products we use every day. This includes durable plastic, medical devices such as prosthesis, medicines like antihistamines, diapers, smart phones, computers, clothing, and cosmetics. View the numerous products and services derived from just one gallon of oil.

Also, oil and natural gas are essential to modern fertilizers and pesticides that ensure a plentiful supply of affordable and safe food and provide the feedstocks that make modern agriculture possible.

Low carbon energy products like hydrogen and the ability to transport carbon dioxide to secure storage sites help provide greenhouse gas reductions attractive to customers like manufacturers or industrial producers.

Natural gas and petroleum products not only make the comforts of contemporary life plausible, they also power the future of innovation and technology, utilizing the latest proven technologies in unmanned aerial systems, leak detection, and in-line inspection tools.