Pipelines Provide Jobs
Klint, Oil Movements Engineering Manager, shows how safe pipelines benefit consumers, workers and the local economy.
Klint has lived in Alaska all of his life, graduating from the University of Alaska and working engineering jobs before taking a position at Alyeska Pipeline (operator of the Trans Alaska Pipeline System, also known as TAPS) as an Oil Movements Engineering Manager.
TAPS has been a central part of Alaskan life for generations, providing one of the main sources of revenue for the state economy and affordable energy for Alaskans while also prioritizing the safety and protection of the pristine Alaskan environment. Klint’s father worked on the pipeline, as did his brother, and Klint hopes that his children will someday follow their path as well – three generations of the family working on the Trans Alaska pipeline.
Klint says of the pipeline, “[it] has really enabled my family to enjoy a quality of life that otherwise wouldn’t be here. You know, you look at a lot of infrastructure around Anchorage and Wasilla and Fairbanks that just wouldn’t be here without the oil industry.”
Alyeska even sponsors Klint’s team for the Iron Dog – a grueling 2,000-mile snowmobile race through some of the most remote and rugged landscapes in Alaska – something he only dreamt of doing as a kid. Now, he has participated in the race five times, something he says he never would have been able to do without Alyeska’s support.