Environmental Protection

Brian, Environmental Inspector, shows how pipeline operators follow construction quality management best practices to protect people and the environment.

Part of Brian’s job as an environmental inspector includes evaluating the land and water throughout the pipeline construction process so that the land is restored to its original state or left better than it was before the project. Precautions are taken to guard against soil erosion, to facilitate proper water drainage, and to protect water quality. “We use the environmental erosion control devices to limit impacts on the right-of-way,” Brian says. “Throughout the project, the water will be tested according to regulations. We improve the contours of the land, so it drains well, then we replant it and re-seed it with native vegetation.”

Prior to working on pipelines, Brian was a hunting and fishing guide in Montana and Idaho. “That is who I am. I love being outdoors. It’s a better lifestyle for a family man. I’m proud of what I do because I can make a difference on these projects, make sure they are done as cleanly as possible and having a good reputation within the community helps get the next project done.”